Video Hunter Devin
Video Hunter Sean
Submitted for the approval of the Video Hunter Society, Intergalactic Video Hunters The Video Wizard & Rewind the Robot host a VHS screening event the first Friday of every other month in Bellingham, WA at the historic Pickford Film Center.
Do you miss the nostalgic feeling of raiding your local video store for the movie with the craziest box art? Only to be confused on when exactly that dinosaur robot with lasers on the cover was going to show the F’up!
In this age of Streaming and 4K 3D Ultra Vision, The V.H.S. Video Hunter Society takes you back to those movie slumber party feels, as we showcase the funniest, weirdest and rarest assortment of videos seized across the land.
Attendees are encouraged to bring old video cassette tapes, from rare “trophy tapes” held by hardcore collectors, to washed up celebrity workout videos, to campy b-movie horror films shot in someone’s backyard. Hell, why not bring a tape that you don’t even know the contents of?
What we watch will be chosen night of via the Selection Game of the Month! Gorge in a Rocky Horror-esque, Mystery Science type experience, with skits, tape swaps and other “rewind inclined” events!
I declare this manifesto of the Video Hunter Society closed. Want to become a member? Be sure to check out our social media pages so you don’t miss any of the action. Join us the first Friday of every other month, right after Art Walk! As Film enthusiast we put the F in Art Walk!
Until next time... pleasant hunting, everyone.